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Does Salvation Army Have Pay by the Pound Stores?

If you’ve ever experienced Goodwill Outlet store, you’ve probably wondered if any other thrift stores, like Salvation Army, have pay by the pound locations.

So does Salvation Army have pay by the pound stores? Salvation Army pay by the pound stores are not quite as popular as Goodwill Outlet because they have fewer locations, but they do exist. Some Salvation Army ‘s have separate pay by the pound locations while others simply have special sales where they sell store items by the pound to liquidate merchandise quickly.

If you’re looking to shop at a Salvation Army pay by the pound location, here is what you need to know.

What Are Salvation Army Pay By the Pound Stores?

In the Salvation Army pay by the pound program, all clothing items that remain unsold after three weeks are gathered from surrounding stores and sent to a warehouse. Clothing items are divided into large containers and dumped onto tables every 15 minutes, where epic thrifters race through the containers and quickly sort through. The Salvation Army in Michigan has more than 25,000 pounds of goods that get sent to the pay by the pound program.

Shoes, clothing, and purses will be available for sale at a specified price per pound. The final cost is determined as customer items are weighed at check out. Many Salvation Army stores have named this project “Amazing Deals Buy-the-Pound” and promises to include top name-brands. New products are added to display tables five times a day.

It’s been noticed that the items at the Salvation Army pay by the pound stores move weeks faster than they did on retail shelves. Some locations are dedicated pay by the pound stores while others simply have special sales where they quickly liquidate items from the shelves and buyers pay for them by the pound.

Salvation Army pay by the pound locations are great for avid thrifters and resellers to find great deals. Many people are finding great items, not only in the bins but also steeply discounted items that are set out. If you’ve ever shopped at one of the Salvation Army By the Pound Stores, please leave us a comment and share your experience!

Salvation Army Pay By the Pound Pricing

The Clinton Township Michigan Salvation Army store charges for items by the pound but the more you buy the cheaper the price is per pound.

Here’s how the pay by the pound pricing works:

  1. $1.29 per pound if you buy 5 pounds or less

  2. $1.09 per pound if you buy 6-10 pounds

  3. $0.99 per pound if you buy over 11 pounds

  4. $3.00 per pair of shoes

Some special sales have charged $1.00 per pound just for clothing items only. These special sales are often called a S.A.K.E. Sale (Salvation Army Clothing Kickoff) which happens on the first Saturday of every month. This is a great way for Salvation Army retails to quickly liquidate excess clothing.

Who Does Salvation Army Serve

When you buy from the Salvation Army, whether the retail store or pay by the pound, your are helping assist nearly 25 million people annually. The Salvation Army helps meet human needs without discrimination in 130 countries around the world.

Proceeds from their stores are used to fund Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Centers. These are centers where those struggling with drugs and alcohol find help, hope, and a second chance at life.

Where are the Salvation Army By the Pound Stores?

The Salvation Army Family Thrift Store in Chicago, IL is a retail store that offers by the pound pricing every Wednesday during certain times.

Address: 4052 West Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60651

Phone Number: (800) 728-7825

Hours: Wednesday from 9:00am to Noon

Cost Per Pound: $0.87 per pound


The By the Pound Salvation Army Thrift Store in Clinton Township Michigan is a full fledge pay by the pound store that opened in late 2018.

Address: 34150 S Gratiot Ave, Clinton Twp, MI 48035

Phone Number: (586) 791-0944

Hours: Monday to Saturday – 9am to 10pm

Cost Per Pound: $1.29 per pound if you buy 5 pounds or less, $1.09 per pound if you buy 6-10 pounds, $0.99 per pound if you buy over 11 pounds


This certainly doesn’t seem like much but we suspect that many more Salvation Army pay by the pound locations are going to pop up across the country! It has proven to be a very successful model in their Michigan store and I’m sure they’ll be duplicating this system in other states soon!

If we’ve missed a location, please leave a comment below and we’ll add it to our list!

Why Should You Shop at a Salvation Army By the Pound Stores and Sales?

Shopping at Salvation By the Pound Store or sale is unlike any other thrift store shopping experience you’ve ever had. It’s an adventure totally different than shopping at a regular Salvation Army Family Thrift Store.

You’re helping the community when you buy items in bulk from the Salvation Army. You’re doing good and helping those who are in need to get the help they need. Your money goes to help pay for various programs that help the needed and those suffering with addictions.

You’re getting an amazing deal by buying goods by the pound. Instead of paying $2 – $3 for a shirt, you’ll end up paying about $0.30. What a steal! Even if you don’t know if the garment with work for you, at that price you might as well snag it and you won’t lose out on much if it doesn’t work out.

It’s unlike any other thrifting experience! Pay by the pound stores are almost like a competition to see who can find the best item and deal. If you like the suspense and thrill of finding great treasures, a pay by the pound store is definitely for you!

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