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A Quick Way to Make Listing on eBay Easier

Sometimes it’s something really quick and simple that makes life so much easier. Same goes with your business. It’s always fun to find ways that we can do things more efficiently and effectively! eBay has a great feature where you can schedule listings and have your items go out automatically at your specified time. However, if you’re like us, you probably don’t want to pay $.10 an item to do it. (If you do not have a store, the scheduled listing feature is free to use.)

We get around this by putting all our listings in scheduled and putting the date out as far as it will go (15 days). When we are ready to post them, we grab all of the scheduled listings in the bulk editor and change the start time to “Start my listings when I submit them”. This will remove the scheduled listing fee and the items will be listed on eBay as soon as we hit the submit button.

Since you can only have 20 items in drafts, using the scheduled listing feature is a greater benefit because you can have as many as you want saved there. The only disadvantage we have found with the scheduled listing feature is that you cannot change the format after it has been scheduled. You cannot change from auction to fixed price or vice versa.

We hope this quick eBay selling tip helps your online business. Do have a quick tip to share? We’d love to hear in the comments below!

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