eBay Q&A: How to Get Feedback on eBay?
New sellers are all faced with the question of how to get feedback on eBay.
We saw this question on one of our favorite eBay seller Facebook groups, Camp eBay Thrifters, administered by Debbie Ann.
The responses that this question received were very good!
Check out the great responses below.
Also, we’d love to hear what you have to say!
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Hi I am trying to built my feedback up i am a pretty small seller half of the buyers do not leave feedback. Is there any way of getting more feedback?
Matty S.
Buy stuff. Whatever you do, don’t ask buyers for feedback. It is not a requirement and it is annoying to be bothered for FB. – Michelle M.
I asked my first couple of Sellers if they would please leave feedback and they did. We actually had nice conversations. That said, buy a few inexpensive things from large sellers. Many leave automatic feedback. – Nancy S.
I attach a sticker to my packages that say ” My goal is earn your 5 Star feedback…” Along with a few other words. It’s not asking but more of a reminder that leaving fb is helpful to us. – Shyleen I.
Are you leaving feedback for your buyers? I found when I leave feedback first, they are more likely to leave it as well. You’ll never get 100% feedback, but it helps. – Diane M.
Leave feedback for them and then send them a nice message like: “Thanks for your purchase. I left positive feedback. Please leave feedback for me when you have time if you can. Thanks so much.” – Justin S.
Do not poke the bear. I NEVER message my buyers and ask for anything. The more you message them the more chance they have to decide they are upset about something. If you sell stuff you will get feedback. – Geoff F.
I send a printed note in all my packages and ask them kindly to leave feedback so that I know the package arrived safely but never ask again. eBay will remind them to do so and if they do not want to do it you best leave it alone. – Gwendolyn A.
Our Opinion on How to Get Feedback on eBay
It has never been our practice to pester buyers into leaving feedback. We view no feedback as better than negative feedback. 🙂
We always leave feedback for our buyers as soon as we ship their item. However, we’ve only found that about 50% of your buyers will actually leave feedback.
The only other thing we do is leave a business card in the package that says “If everything is satisfactory, please leave us 5 star positive feedback.” You can read more about our business cards here.
If you are a new seller and you’re trying to build your feedback, the best thing to do would be as others suggested and buy, buy, buy. Anything, you can buy on eBay, do it. Most of the larger sellers leave automatic feedback so you should be able to build rather quickly.
Leave your ideas in the comments for how to get feedback on eBay!
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